Christmas Ornaments
Collectable Christmas Ornaments. Each one hand crafted, one of a kind!
Christmas Ornaments
Alison hand crafts each ornament, personally. Each is one of a kind and collectable.
All Ornaments Include:
- Maecenas accumsan nibh.
- Aliquet ipsum congue.
- Aenean odio odio aliquet.
- Aliquet ipsum congue.
- Aenean odio odio aliquet.
- Maecenas accumsan nibh.
“Night Moose” 4 1/2″w x 4 3/8″h Hand Painted on Sea Scallop Shell
$75.00 -
“Spring Peeper” 1 6/8″w x 2 1/8″h Hand Painted Stone
$30.00 -
“Cat and Mouse” 2 3/8″w x 2 1/8″h Hand Painted Stone
$50.00 -
“Hummingbird and Bee Balm” 3 7/8″w x 3 5/8″h Hand Painted Sea Scallop Shell
$75.00 -
Gulliver’s Hole
$3,275.00 -
Path to Green Point
$3,275.00 -
Along Hamilton Cove Preserve Trail
$3,275.00 -
View from Green Point – Last Light
$3,275.00 -
Cranberry Point – Campobello Island
$2,500.00 -
Quoddy Trail in Fog
$2,500.00 -
Mulholland Point Lighthouse
$2,500.00 -
View of Grand Manan from Green Point
Intro & Beginner Classes

1 Time Wheel Throwing
Starts: Februrary 6th
Aenean et facilisis justo, vitae lobortis augue. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes

Intro to Hand Sculpture
Starts: Februrary 6th
Aenean et facilisis justo, vitae lobortis augue. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes

Intro to Texturing
Starts: Februrary 6th
Aenean et facilisis justo, vitae lobortis augue. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes
Made by Students

Touch Base With Alison
Alison looks forward to hearing from you.
POB# 1
Lubec, ME 04652
Call Us
Office: (207) 951-9111
Cell: (207) 904-9768
Email Us